Metals Estimating Services


We Help You Bid Accurately

There are several aspects to consider when submitting a bid for metal projects. The number of plates, connections, and accessories are among these criteria. It is also necessary to understand the beam measurements, the quantity and types of beams, and the number of person-hours, among other things. Any of these critical elements might cause your steel bid and estimation to be erroneous.

It is important to ensure that your metal project bid estimates are accurate before submission. That’s where Blue Estimating Company services come into play!

Helping you with Accurate Estimations

We know that you want to cut costs and save time. We also know that you want to protect the environment and be as environmentally friendly as possible. That’s why Blue Estimating is here to help you with metal estimating services that get everything done: quality, verified, and accurate.

Our metal estimating services can help you estimate your metal cost accurately so that your project can get off the ground quickly. You’ll receive an estimate based on the material type, size, structure location, and other factors. Our materials are certified by third-party testing facilities for quality assurance. We have a team of experts who will work with you to ensure your estimate is as accurate as possible before it’s sent out for bid!

Blue Estimating offers structural steel takeoffs in all major cities throughout the United States, including New York City, Los Angeles, CA, Houston, TX, Chicago, IL, Dallas, TX and many more locations around the country!

Streamlining your Work Process

When it comes to structural Steel and metal, you can’t afford to take on the task yourself. We’ll take care of everything from material takeoffs to estimating services so that you can be more efficient and productive than ever.

Our team will help you with everything from structural Steel to decking, stairs, railing, grating, castings, and trusses. We’ll also ensure all your material takes are completed on time so you can focus on what matters most: getting more bids out, reducing waste, saving revenue and mastering your time.

What kind of Materials Do We Estimate?

Quality Work Guaranteed!

With years of building expertise, we know how to obtain accurate and cheap construction cost estimates. Our enthusiasm for the industry motivates us to give the highest level of service possible.

We place a high emphasis on client satisfaction, and our testimonies speak for themselves. The level of an organization may always be determined by the quality of its reviews.

We’ll exceed your expectations when you choose us for your metal estimate services. Our team is composed of highly trained professionals equipped with sophisticated software and advanced personnel—combined with our passion for what we do, we’ll be able to help you get the job done on time and up to your standards of excellence.

Contact us Today!

Well, if you’re like us, you probably don’t want to be the guy who has to go out and get it. You’d instead leave that part of the job up to the professionals. And we want to be that professional! We know how important it is for your structure to be built correctly from the start, so we try to ensure that by getting a metal takeoff estimate for your building job.

We spend time learning about your project and understanding what you need to be done before we offer our estimates. Once we have all the details about what needs to be done and who will do it, there is no better way than to have an experienced contractor do the job for you! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started on your projects Today!


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