Construction Estimating Services


Helping you Score More Projects

Blue Estimating specializes in providing accurate and reliable cost estimates for construction projects of all sizes. With our team of experienced estimators and advanced software, we can help you save time and money by providing you with a detailed estimate that reflects the actual cost of your project.

Construction Estimating Service Include

Conceptual Estimating

This service provides an early-stage estimation that helps clients assess the feasibility of a project.

Preliminary Estimating

This service provides a more detailed estimate that includes material, labor, and equipment costs.

Detailed Estimating

This service provides a comprehensive estimate covering all project aspects, including overhead costs, contingency allowances, and profit margins.

Value Engineering

Our value engineering helps clients to optimize their construction projects by identifying cost savings opportunities without sacrificing quality or functionality.

Bid Analysis

Our bid analysis service helps clients to evaluate bids from contractors and subcontractors, ensuring they receive the best value for their investment.

Our Process

We follow a rigorous process to ensure our estimates are accurate and reliable. Our process includes the following:

Project Evaluation

We begin by evaluating the project’s scope and understanding our client’s needs.

Quantity Takeoff

We do a detailed quantity takeoff, which includes measurements and quantities of all materials, labor, and equipment required for the project.

Cost Estimation

We use advanced software and industry-standard pricing data to calculate the cost of each item in quantity take-off.

Contingency Allowances

We include contingency allowances to account for unexpected expenses or changes to the plan.

Final Estimate

We compile all the data and present our client with a comprehensive estimate that reflects the project’s actual cost.

Construction Estimating Services We Provide:

Why Do People Choose Us?

People choose our construction estimating services because


Our estimates are accurate and reliable, giving clients a clear understanding of the actual cost of their projects.


Our advanced software and experienced estimators can provide quick and efficient estimates, saving our clients time and money.

Cost Savings

We can help our clients save money on their construction projects by providing accurate estimates and identifying cost savings opportunities.


Our team of estimators has years of experience in the construction industry, providing clients with valuable insight and guidance throughout the estimating process.

Customer Service

We are committed to providing excellent customer service and ensuring our client’s satisfaction with our work.

Contact Us Now!

If you need reliable construction estimating services, look no further than Blue Estimating. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you!


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